
WepresentacomparisonofclickactuationmodalitieswithusersoftheCameraMouse,amotion-trackingmouseinterface.Wecomparedwell-timeclickgeneration ...,由MBetke著作·2002·被引用707次—Thesystemtracksthecomputeruser'smovementswithavideocameraandtranslatesthemintothemovementsofthemousepointeronthescreen.Bodyfeatures ...,CameraMouseisafreeprogramthatenablesyoutocontrolthemousepointeronyourcomputerscreenjustb...

Camera Mouse + ClickerAID: Dwell vs. Single

We present a comparison of click actuation modalities with users of the Camera Mouse, a motion-tracking mouse interface. We compare dwell-time click generation ...

The Camera Mouse

由 M Betke 著作 · 2002 · 被引用 707 次 — The system tracks the computer user's movements with a video camera and translates them into the movements of the mouse pointer on the screen. Body features ...

Camera Mouse

Camera Mouse is a free program that enables you to control the mouse pointer on your computer screen just by moving your head. To use Camera Mouse you need ...

Downloads Camera Mouse

Camera Mouse is a free program that enables you to control the mouse pointer on your computer screen just by moving your head.

Camera Mouse(相機滑鼠)2018 介紹及其中文使用手冊

2023年6月8日 — Camera Mouse是一款由波士頓學院所開發的免費軟體,用以幫助身障人士使用電腦。對於手部動作不靈活但可以移動頭部,像是腦性麻痺、創傷性腦損傷、ALS、 ...

Camera Mouse 1.1

Camera Mouse is a free program that allows you to control the mouse pointer on a Windows computer just by moving your head. Clicking can be done by making ...

Camera Mouse (Boston College)

Camera Mouse is a free program that allows you to control the mouse pointer on a Windows computer just by moving your head. Clicking can be done by making the ...